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FRIULANE: Iconic Timeless and Chic Slipper.

Friuli, terra di confine, storico crogiuolo di razze ed etnie, culture e storie diverse che hanno forgiato gente orgogliosa ed umile, grandi lavoratori pronti a rimboccarsi le maniche mordendo le impervietà della vita con forza e tenacia.

Da lì, nell’ottocento, sono nate le mitiche “babbucce Friulane”.

Create per necessità con ingegno e creatività, cucendo a mano materiali poveri e riciclati. Fresche d’estate e calde d’inverno,

La Leggenda vuole, che queste belle babbucce furono presto usate anche dai nobili Veneziani. Questi le indossavano nei loro palazzi per sgattaiolare furbamente dalla loro camera e intrufolarsi nelle camere delle loro amanti: la suola morbida e silenziosa di queste scarpette garantiva la perfetta e leggiadra azione!!!

Oggi grazie alla loro comodità, alla loro versatilità e al loro grande fascino permettono di “sgattaiolare” nelle metropoli con eleganza, buon gusto e raffinatezza! Sono trendy, sono cool, sono un must, sono senza tempo, sono le Friulane!!!!

Disponibili in tanti colori, rigorosamente fatte e cucite in Italia secondo la tradizione.

Style, Charm, Traditional, Comfortable, Eco friendly and Versatile. Spring 2021 Friulane Shoes are Trendy as Ever to all the Fashion Lovers ❤️

Colourful, Comfortable , Chic and Versatile Friulane shoes. Available in an array of colours that suit all fashion lovers. The Friulane represent the ideal footwear from the 19th Century, that served as a tribute to Italian fashion craftsmanship.

Born from an era of simple shoes worn by the poor , handmade in the countryside by the women in the house from old bicycle tires for the soles of the feet, the internal padding from felt or jute bags used to transport grains, scraps of fabric and fabric remnants were used for the upper part of the shoes. Originally without lustre or style, just born for practicality. They ennobled themselves over time with the manufacturing and fabrics also being upgraded . Entering into the wardrobes of aristocrats and nobles who embraced the style as house slippers even worn in the courtyards and halls in the Palace, which allowed them to sneak, lightly and without making any noise, towards the rooms of their lovers.

Arriving also then on the Venetian Streets by the artist and poets in the traditional black colour. Also becoming popular particularly amongst the gondoliers of Venice.

Inspired by Friulane ,new brands have transformed and reinvented the look as the status symbol of the Milanese fashionistas , and global fashion lovers. Enhancing traditional with a quick fabric makeover , welcomes the 2021 Spring slipper, you will be seduced to their comfort, charm, style and authentic eco-friendly tradition. Check out these fashionistas who succumbed to the trend!

Be inspired on how to wear them!


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